Bald beginnt das neue Schuljahr 📝🎒📚, Das neue Schuljahr ist nicht mehr weit weg und wir haben hier für euch das perfekte Geschenk zur Einschulung für die Kids. Mit unserem personalisiertem Poster “EINSCHULUNG – Endlich Schulkind” wird der großartige ne

The new school year will start soon 📝🎒📚

With the following personalized information, it is specially adapted to the future school child and thus receives the personal touch!

  1. The name
  2. The dedication “Schoolchild at last”
  3. The name of the school
  4. The enrollment date
  5. The size
  6. Age
  7. The shoe size
  8. The favorite color
  9. The class
  10. I do it with pleasure
  11. When I grow up I will
  12. I'm looking forward to

The magical and high-quality print is produced in your desired size; either with a picture frame or just as a poster print.
With the background of a chalkboard look, it is a direct reminder of the upcoming school days.

Celebrate the day and complement it with this special milestone poster!

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