Collection: Dog, cat & Co.

Gifts for pet owners: Unique memories of your furry friends
Our four-legged friends enrich our lives with unconditional love, loyal companionship and funny moments. They are family members who make us laugh, comfort us and enchant us time and time again.

What do you give to an animal lover who loves his pet more than anything?
A gift that reflects the special bond between humans and animals is something very special . Personalized posters from from the "Dog, Cat & Co." category hit right in the heart and put a smile on every face.

Why personalized posters from are the perfect choice:
  • Unique and personal: Design an individual poster with the pet's name and a selected photo. This makes each poster unique and reflects the special relationship with the four-legged friend.
  • High quality: We print our posters with long-lasting ink on high-quality photo paper. This means you can enjoy your gift for a long time and keep the memory of your furry friend.
  • Wide selection: Whether dog, cat, rabbit, horse or another pet - with us you will find the right poster for every animal.
  • Perfect as a gift: Whether for a birthday, Christmas, as a gift for guests, as a memento of a beloved deceased pet or just as a small token of appreciation - personalized posters are always a good choice.
Give more than just a gift - give a piece of memory!
With a personalized poster from you show the animal lover how important he/she and his/her four-legged friend are to you.