Das Meilensteinposter “1. Geburtstag”, Die ersten Monate nach der Geburt des Babys vergehen so schnell und die wundervollen Erinnerungen an viele Meilensteine können mit diesem Poster verewigt werden , Copyright: 321geschenke.de

The milestone poster “1. Birthday"

Leave a wonderful lasting memory of your loved one's first big birthday with this milestone board and the sweet personalized dates.

The following can be personalized with this picture: Milestone Poster_First_Birthday

  1. First name of the child
  2. 1st Birthday Day
  3. Size
  4. Weight
  5. number of teeth
  6. I can already... (3-4 things)
  7. My first words (3-4 things)
  8. My favorite food (3-4 things)
  9. my favorite toy
  10. I am in love…

The milestone board can also be used for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th .... birthday to be designed. When ordering, please simply tell us which birthday it should be for under the note: “Message about purchase” and we will adapt it for you!

Would you like a different category? That's no problem at all either. You can easily tell us your heart's desire and write us a message when you place your order, telling us the changed heading and what we can replace it with.

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