Das personalisierte “Mein Brautstrauß”-Bild, “Ewig dein. Ewig mein. Ewig uns.”
Erhalte hier das perfekte Andenken für das Brautpaar:Ein wunderschönes und langanhaltendes Erinnerungsstück für den schönsten Tag im Lebens der frisch Vermählten., Copyright: 3

The personalized “My Bridal Bouquet” image

Bridal Bouquet Product

The eye-catcher for all lovers: Let the bridal bouquet be seen in its most beautiful representation with the great deep 3D frame (optionally in white or black). The unique memory with probably the most important bouquet of flowers in life.
Personalized with the names and wedding day of the bride and groom, this keepsake will be a wonderful eye-catcher in your four walls.

(*The product is sold without decoration/flowers.)

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