Ein Geschenk zur Kommunion, Firmung, Konfirmation oder Taufe, das von Herzen kommt., Copyright: 321geschenke.de

A gift for communion, confirmation or baptism that comes from the heart.

The personalized poster "Money gift angel"
Communion, confirmation or baptism are very special events in a child's life. With this picture you will find a gift that comes from the heart and is also a lasting memory of this important day.

Colour variants_Money gift angel
Colour variants

An angel who brings joy
The poster shows a cute angel in pink or blue holding a chain with a cross in her hands.

Personal and individual
The poster is easy to personalize. You can add the child's name, the date of the celebration, a personal greeting and a saying or a Bible verse.

A lasting memory
The poster is not only a gift, but also a lasting memory. The angel motif can later be covered with your own photo (format 18x13cm). This creates an individual picture that captures the child's special day.

Order your personalized poster here and now!

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