Einweihungsgeschenk gesucht?, Gefunden! Unsere Bilder sind die perfekten Einweihungsgeschenke. Brot und Salz kann jeder. 🙂 Unsere Bilder sind einzigartig und somit etwas ganz besonderes:, Copyright: 321geschenke.de

Looking for a housewarming gift?

All of our housewarming gifts are personalized. On the one hand we print the names of the recipients on the pictures and on the other hand we convert the new address into GPS coordinates and also print these on the picture. This makes it something very special. Unique and personalized.

In our opinion, a wonderful gift for moving in, which will certainly cause great joy. Incidentally, you can always purchase our pictures with or without a picture frame.

And these are our pictures, do you like them?

Home sweet home HOUSE

Home sweet home GPS

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